Fake MH370 Video Recreation

NROL–22 8.834301, 93.19492
Note: No elements of the original video were used in this recreation. Nothing was “copied and pasted.” All features used were available in 2014.

This is a recreation of the MH370 satellite video that has been getting attention the last few months. It was done in After Effects. Details of how the recreation was done are available on the GitHub repo for the recreation.

This version allows you to click and pan the video. The coordinates in the bottom left update as you pan. This functionality was achieved using Javascript. The panning JavaScript was taken from this StackOverflow comment. I added the code to update the coordinates. It took about 45–60 minutes to set up the HTML and JS.

Comparison of recreation to original

No affiliations

I have no affiliations with any government or non-government organization that has any interest in this case. I’ve not been paid by anyone to do this. I am just an individual with amateur visual effects skills who was concerned that an obvious fake video was being presented as real.

I have not profited on the MH370 disappearance, I pledge now that I will not in the future. I have no financial interest in these videos being real or fake. I’m only interest in the truth and helping people understand how the original video was created with very basic VFX techniques.